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iPhone Abstract Video

I’m easily bored. Even with a drink in my hand.

Last summer I puzzled my friends by aways sticking my iPhone against my scotch (or my wine or my margarita). But it was for art, damn it!!! (Details below the embed).

I tweaked these shots in-phone with Magic Bullet’s “Movie Looks” iPhone app. I decided not to use any desktop software for the images, other than stringing them into an edit and doing a final output.

Music was composed in Pro Tools – I allowed myself one hour, so I used almost exclusively plugin instruments – Xpand, Mini Grand, and Vacuum, which is an old-school analog synth emulator. Man, that thing is PHAT! I plugged a guitar in for the last few bars, running it through Pod Farm.

The sound effects and voices are all from the individual clips, though treated and faded (you can hear the end of the sax solo from Morphine’s “All Wrong” in there somewhere). To time the whole thing, I did the edit in Final Cut, exported the audio, added music tracks, and then jacked with the clip sounds – I wanted to mask all my inebriated friends a bit.

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